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Graham L. Barron's picture

Sweet Tooth

March, 2016
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

This Belgian-style ale brewed with salted caramel and brown sugar pours into the glass a glowing red color with excellent clarity and a small, wispy, tan head with little retention. Belgian yeast character dominates the complex aroma. Fruit esters of fresh cut apples, pears, and cherries mix with a phenolic spiciness. Rich malt is not left out of the aroma either, with notes of dark fruits, sugar and caramel leading the charge. Flavor follows suit with the Belgian yeast again taking the front seat. The taste is fruity and spicy with a rounded caramel sweetness and a eucalyptus-type herbal quality. While the sugar is noticeable, the finish is surprisingly dry and bitterness levels are sufficiently high to prevent this beer from becoming cloying. The alcohol content becomes more evident as it warms. This fairly complex, warming, Belgian-inspired beer would be a great companion beside the fireplace in winter.
