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Rodney A. Tillinghast's picture

Easy Peasy IPA

November, 2015
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
4 / 6
30 / 40
6 / 10
Overall Impression: 
15 / 20

Session IPAs are all the rage today, and make wonderful additions to many brewery’s lineups, one that marries the joy of American-derived hops with the sensibilities of English session ales.

I poured this forth in my Sam Adams Perfect Pint glass, which provided a heady tangerine and lemon aroma in the glass. Notes of mild biscuit were noted in the background, as well as stone fruit, kiwi and onion, which were all suitable for the style. The beer was a hazy dark orange, with a head that fell quickly as it was sampled. Noticeable sediment was seen in the beer, even though the label did not note that it was conditioned in its vessel (can-conditioned?). The sample’s flavor was heavy tangerine and other tropical fruits and very mild with smooth bitterness. The mouthfeel was quite light and could be enjoyed without palate fatigue very easily. 

Overall, this would be a Session IPA that would be enjoyed by folks that prefer their IPAs on the mild end of the bitterness scale along with a neat, quick (though slightly thin) finish. I would have preferred a little more complexity to the beer itself, which would have enhanced the nice aromas the beer put out, but otherwise, this is a solid addition to the Session IPA stable.
