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Moniker Brewery Head Brewer Benjamin Estes Talks Geräuchert Smoked Helles Lager

97 Rating - World Class

Moniker Brewery Head Brewer Benjamin Estes Talks Geräuchert Smoked Helles Lager

We spoke with Moniker Brewery Head Brewer Benjamin Estes about Geräuchert Smoked Helles Lager.

Who was responsible for this beer’s recipe?
I first brewed Geräuchert in March 2021, and I've been slowly tweaking the recipe and cellaring schedule since. This has been my favorite batch.

What sets this beer apart from other examples within the style?
I believe that it's the balance. Having the right amount of smoke is a huge component of that; if you have too little it tastes phenolic, and if you have too much you don't notice the profile of the malt and hops. This beer is in that sweet spot, a beautiful, full-bodied helles with just the right amount of smoke flavor. 

What makes this beer truly World Class?
Geräuchert's versatility is unparalleled. You can pull so many different flavors from it based on your environment or what you pair it with. It simply makes everything better.

What is your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, mouthfeel, etc.)?
For the beer alone, its truly difficult to pick an aspect that is my favorite. I've worked hard for this beer to be a wonderful "sum of its parts." I will say my favorite thing about the beer is how unbelievably well Geräuchert pairs with a BLT sandwich.

How popular is this beer among your faithful fans?
A smoked helles isn't for everyone, and it isn't a style that typically turns a bunch of heads, but we've had a lot of success with those familiar to the style and have converted a lot of drinkers who think they wouldn't've liked a smoked helles. We even have patrons as far as Chicago revisit Moniker whenever we release Geräuchert.

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