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Van Damme Strong by Social Fox Brewing is a Belgian Tripel and was judged as such (BJCP sub-style 26C).
It poured golden caramel and clear into the glass beneath a moderate white head with modest retention. Its aroma led off with malt sweetness, fruity esters and some distinctive Belgian yeast notes. The flavor profile similarly was dominated by malt sweetness with notes of orange, raisin and plum flavors. The mouthfeel was characterized by a medium body, only modest carbonation for style, moderate to high alcohol warmth and no astringency or other off-flavors. There were no distinctive hops present in either the aroma or flavor, but bittering hops were evidently balanced by the sugars from the relatively heavy malt bill typical of this high-gravity Trappist beer style.
The net result is a well-crafted American interpretation of this traditional Belgian ale. This beer would be enjoyable all by itself or with a hearty meal. The inferred alcohol content of this beer should be taken into account by its drinkers, lest it sneak up on the unwary.