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Randy Scorby's picture

Double Liberty IPA

Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
6 / 6
34 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

The aroma greets you with a prominent spicy alcohol character and significant stone fruit esters of peach and apricot. As the beer warms, a light floral hop aroma fights through the esters with a light bready caramel maltiness. The aggressive hop bitterness helps to balance the moderately sweet finish, but both are lingering and distracting. The stone fruit esters are also fairly dominant in the flavor. The resiny hop flavor is more elevated than the hop character in the aroma, but falls short of what you would expect from a Double IPA.  An enjoyable beer to drink, though not as appealing as the better examples as it falls short of stylistic expectations for hop aroma and flavor.