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Judge's Review: 84 Rating - Bourbon Street Porter by Low Road Brewing

July, 2022

Bourbon Street Porter

Bourbon Street Porter

United States
Bourbon Street Porter, Low Road Brewing

A light-bodied American Porter aged on bourbon-infused toasted oak spirals.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
4 / 6
36 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
15 / 20

Bourbon Street Porter by Low Road Brewing is an American Porter aged with bourbon-soaked toasted oak spirals and is being evaluated as a 33B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer due to the Bourbon addition. The beer pours with a very minimal off-white head that slowly rises to a layer of foam on top. The beer itself is a deep mahogany brown, slightly murky. The nose is quite roasty and chocolaty with a restrained Bourbon note. The yeast character is a bit fruity with a faint berry note. The oak itself is equally subtle. A pleasant nose is present that doesn't go over the top. On tasting, there is a subtle bourbon-oak spiciness that plays kindly with the fruity and roasty porter character. The beer is super drinkable. The yeast choice seems to be providing a fair amount of fruity esters, tending towards red fruit/berries. The balancing bitterness works quite nicely as well. The carbonation is quite low here, likely related to the crowler packaging, though the beer is spry enough to not sit fat on the palate. I really appreciate the drinkability here, but do feel it could use a touch more wood character to really come across as a wood-aged beer.