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Judge's Review: 85 Rating - Light of the Feu Follets by Low Road Brewing

June, 2022

Light of the Feu Follets

Light of the Feu Follets

United States
Light of the Feu Follets, Low Road Brewing

Light of the Feu Follets is a Belgian Wit with coriander & both bitter and sweet orange peel.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
34 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Light of the Feu Follets by Low Road Brewing was judged as a Witbier (2021 BJCP style 24A). It poured light gold and mostly clear into the glass, forming a thin white head with moderate retention.

The aroma initially featured some mild Belgian ale yeast notes and some wheat malt sweetness with mild vanilla near the end. The flavor also began and finished with sweet malt primarily and restrained white pepper spiciness. Absent were any noticeable hop flavors, orangey esters and coriander phenols. The latter two, added lightly, are considered supporting hallmarks of the style. The mouthfeel included a moderate body and low carbonation, no warmth or astringency and slight creaminess.

Overall, this witbier was a pleasant, quaffable but indistinctive example of the style. Adding more assertive flavors characteristic of witbiers would have increased this beer’s appeal. Its relatively low alcohol content and general pleasant drinkability, on the other hand, may render it a popular choice for a session beer for customers where this beer is served.
