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Benefits of Drinking CBD-Infused Drinks

Benefits of Drinking CBD-Infused Drinks

The use of CBD has been on a steady rise in recent years. This marijuana-derived ingredient is becoming an integral twist on a wide range of products, ranging from bath bombs to candies, and dog treats to beverages.

The CBD-infused drink market is diverse. You can relax with a soothing CBD-infused tea, refresh with sparkling water, or amp up with a coffee. The flavor may depend on the percentage of CBD in the drink and what strain it is. Brands are finding new ways to integrate CBD into different food and beverage varieties.

There have been an increasing number of studies on the benefits of CBD. When it is consumed or applied, CBD may help with several different physical and mental health issues. It can help relieve chronic pain in some cases. CBD can also ease symptoms of mental health issues like PTSD and depression.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the active ingredient in cannabis or marijuana, that does not contain THC, a psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Although it is most commonly developed and packaged as an oil, it is also sold as an extract, capsule, and pre-infused product.

CBD drinks usually contain CBD isolate. The market’s standard amount of CBD falls at approximately 25-30 milligrams, but there are several options with more or less CBD.

CBD in Common Products

CBD is finding its way into everyday products like snacks and cosmetic items. CBD-infused products other than beverages include gummies and chews, roasted nuts, chocolate, and salty snacks like potato chips. You can also buy baking items with CBD infusion.

Are you looking for cosmetic products? There is CBD in cosmetic products such as oils, moisturizers, and other skincare items. Companies have also created CBD body scrubs and lotions marketed to reduce pain and inflammation.

Did you know that you can even find CBD-infused shampoo and conditioner? These products are said to help with hair growth and provide an extra level of protection to your hair.

CBD drinks are also a popular take on the rising trend of CBD infusion. They’re a great way to enjoy the many benefits of CBD, which we’ll get into now.

The Benefits of CBD

Recent research has presented the therapeutic effects of CBD for both physical and psychological conditions. Read more about this on


CBD can help relieve pain associated with chronic conditions. Here are a few health issues that CBD may be able to ease the symptoms of:

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) syndrome: Although CBD cannot cure illnesses like ALS, it can help treat and ease some of its symptoms
  • Chronic pain - A CBD rub or moisturizer can soothe pains and aches upon application
  • Arthritis symptoms
  • Inflammation
  • Migraines - Applying or consuming CBD oil can lessen or get rid of migraine symptoms. It may also reduce stress, which is a known trigger for migraines
  • Autoimmune disease


CBD can help relax your mind and ease symptoms of certain mental health issues and psychological conditions. It is well known for its calming properties and has been centric in several studies regarding the following mental health issues:

  • PTSD
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the organization does not consider CBD impairing. This means that it is not mind-altering or intoxicating, and it does not cause a high as THC does. It has the benefits of cannabis without adverse side effects.

A Sip of CBD: Should You Invest in a CBD Infused Drink?

CBD-infused beverages are a quick and convenient way to get your fix of CBD. These products allow consumers to reap the benefits of marijuana without the high. CBD is an active ingredient in marijuana, but it is not psychoactive like THC. This means that, while consuming CBD-infused products, you will not get high like you do when consuming THC.

Although the benefits of CBD are still under study, several studies present the perks of the ingredient. CBD can potentially ease symptoms of serious physical and mental disorders like autoimmune disease and depression.

Trying a CBD-infused drink is a less intimidating way to begin dabbling with cannabis, whether used recreationally or for medical reasons. Sipping on a CBD-infused drink can potentially combat painful or stressful symptoms.

Final Thoughts

CBD-infused drinks have many potential health benefits. It’s worth trying them and feeling the effects for yourself - you may even experience great health benefits! Find your favorite choice in the wide variety, relax, and enjoy.