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Belô Petroleum

Belô Petroleum
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
22 / 24
38 / 40
6 / 6
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Loaded with cocoa, chocolate and coffee aromas, some roasty notes, vanilla and bready yeast. Rich and complex. Velvet and smooth mouth feel, with a light carbonation. Slightly hoppy balanced with high alcohol. Dark and rich as the name says. It pours like the essence of night, with no sign of foam. Slowly, bubbles rise from the depths, creating a luscious tan foam collar.

Beverage Profile
Judges Review 
Rick Franckhauser's picture
Judges Rating:
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Aromas of chocolate-covered raisins, coffee and deep roasted malts is followed by alcohol that shows up as it warms. All of this is joined by notes of tobacco and hints of smoke. In terms of appearance, this is a black hole in a glass – light does not pass through. A creamy brown foam stand eventually drops to a thin, creamy cap. The flavor is full of bitter chocolate and dark roasted malts that stay clear of being acrid. Nothing in the way of hops are detected but with this much roast, they are not missed. Dark dried fruits and tobacco appear mid-palate with a slight smoke lingering in the finish alongside an interesting alcohol component – overall, this is wonderfully complex, featuring a full body that is just shy of viscous. The medium-low carbonation aids in the creaminess, coating the mouth like a chocolate bar and leaves you warm and cozy. Overall, this stouts gets a "wow!" You won’t experience an Imperial Stout with much more complexity, and unlike many, it remains drinkable to the end. In fact, I want another right now! 
