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Hoppy Amber Ale

United States
Mountain Series: Hoppy Amber Ale
Judges Ratings 

A Hoppy Homage to Avalanche Amber Ale

A perfect combination of malty and hoppy. The nutty and toffee-like maltiness in this beer blends impeccably with the mild, earthy hop bitterness that results from the hop varieties that are added oh so delicately. The complimenting caramel malt and floral hop aromas, combined with the clean finish and slight, lingering bitterness makes this beer pleasantly approachable.

Beverage Profile
Judges Review 

Brewery Introduction

Back in the 1980s, our founder Richard Squire was your typical ski bum – with one significant difference. He had a knack for making extraordinary home brews. For years, only his closest friends were able to enjoy his creations, but it didn’t take long for Richard to realize that his talents... Read More
