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Judge's Review: 98 Rating - St-Feuillien FIVE by Brasserie St-Feuillien

April, 2021

St-Feuillien FIVE

St-Feuillien FIVE

St-Feuillien FIVE, St. Feuillien Brewery

St-Feuillien FIVE is fresh with a hoppy aroma, sweet and malty in flavor with a well-balanced bitterness and a white stable foam. Available on draft too.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
5 / 6
39 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

St-Feuillien FIVE by Brasserie St-Feuillien is being evaluated as a Belgian blond ale (2015 BJCP Category 25A) and poured a solid yellow with significant haze and a tall, mousy white head that’s forever persistent.

The aroma is more intense than a typical Belgian blond but very much welcome. Moderately-high black pepper with coriander, orange and pear dominate throughout. Subtler notes of apple and even banana emerge as it warms up. It’s a bit zippy with its high carbonation, but the gas allows the light grainy malt and restrained herbal hops to still present themselves clearly despite the other, more intense characteristics.

The flavor is exactly what you’d expect from a high-quality Belgian fermentation with a melange of light pomme fruit coupled with pepper, coriander and a hint of clove. The light herbal hop flavor and reserved hop bitterness balances the beer beautifully. Moderate grainy malt and herbal hops linger into the aftertaste following a dry finish.

St-Feuillien FIVE is the embodiment of the Belgian blond ale style due to its depth of fermentation character, quaffability and tremendous finesse that few other beers can claim to have. Don’t hesitate to put this into your rotation of summertime beers.