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Flying Saucer Draught Emporium Launches 2020 Election Glasses

Flying Saucer Draught Emporium Launches 2020 Election Glasses

Flying Saucer Draught Emporium in Dallas, Texas has announced the release of its 2020 U.S. Presidential candidates pint glasses, which are a popular collector's item each election. SInce 2004, Beerknurds and Flying Saucer fans have correctly predicted the election by purchasing the glass of their preferred candidate. Full details are below.

Dallas, TX – Flying Saucer Draught Emporium recently debuted their 2020 U.S. presidential candidate pint glasses, launching the craft beer pioneer’s own poll to predict the next president. Since 2004, Beerknurds and diehard Flying Saucer fans have correctly predicted the election outcome by purchasing the glass of their preferred candidate. Presidential memorabilia collectors covet the sought after set.

Who would you rather have a beer with? Cast your vote in the “ The Election of the Century” for incumbent Trump or former vice president Biden. Every glass is a vote, so Beerknurds can take pride in having a big impact on the tally. 

Head to any Flying Saucer to cast a vote or order online. Nationwide shipping is available and included in online orders.

Available by the pair in a 2020 collectors box, by the case or single, order online

About Flying Saucer Draught Emporium 

Flying Saucer has been a pioneer on the craft beer scene since Shannon Wynne opened the doors of the original location in Fort Worth, Texas, in 1995. Capt. Keith Schlabs was then the GM and has since become a partner and Beer Guru to hundreds of thousands of Beerknurds around the world. Along with partner Larry Richardson, the family-owned beer joint which helped cultivate beer culture has 14 locations throughout Texas, Arkanas, Tennessee and North Carolina. Flying Saucer offers more than 200 beers with a full spectrum of brewing styles handpicked for each unique market.

Photo by Raynor Brumfield
