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The Boston Beer Co. Founder and Brewer Jim Koch Talks Samuel Adams Utopias 2019

The Boston Beer Co. Founder and Brewer Jim Koch Talks Samuel Adams Utopias 2019

We spoke with The Boston Beer Co. Founder and Brewer Jim Koch about Samuel Adams Utopias 2019.

BC: Who came up with this beer’s recipe?
In 2002, when the big brewers were competing to see how light they could make a beer, we were focused on the dark mysteries on the other end of the spectrum. Sam Adams pioneered barrel-aging and extreme brewing in 1994 with Triple Bock which shocked the beer community with an ABV of 17.4%. We’re continuing to push the envelope with each biennial release of Utopias.

BC: What’s your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, etc.)?
Each Utopias release is a feat of brewing. Utopias tests the skill and imagination of our brewers like no other beer. While some may think we’re chasing a tipping point of alcohol levels, with each new batch of Utopias the brewers are pushing for a complex flavor profile. Though some of the barrels have reached over 30% ABV in the brewing process, we blend down to craft complex flavors, not an extreme alcohol percentage.

BC: Can you describe this beer in 10 words or less?
At the lunatic fringe of brewing, you’ll find Utopias.

BC: What's a good food pairing for this beer?
Utopias has such a unique and complex flavor profile that it truly stands on its own. Try a drizzle on clam chowder for a surprisingly balanced taste.

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