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Judge's Review: 93 Rating - East Brother Belgian Tripel by East Brother Beer Co.

October, 2019
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

East Brother Belgian Tripel by East Brother Beer Co. is a Belgian Tripel and is being evaluated as a Belgian Tripel (2015 BJCP Category 26C) offering according to BJCP guidelines. For this style expect a clean malt flavor and a spicy, dry, strong character that is fairly aromatic.

The beer pours brilliantly clear late summer straw gold with medium-slow rising bubbles from the glass bottom. A thick, rocky white head perches atop the golden liquid and persists a while leaving characteristic Belgian lace on the glass. Fragrant bubble gum esters and Belgian candi sugar aromas arrive well before the glass gets to my nose. Medium, sweet grainy malt aroma is present as I take my initial deep sniff. Medium-high alcohol flavor is surrounded by a medium-high sweet grainy malt with doughy character. The body is full, carbonation medium-high, and medium-light alcohol warmth.

Further decomposition yields a pleasant, soft hop spiciness in the aroma and flavor, though the hop bitterness is faint underneath a rich maltiness. The balance favors the malt and the finish is dry with some lingering malt sweetness coating the tongue. The bubble gum and apple/pear fruity esters are light in the flavor but present additional character.

I would pair this with an assorted high-fat sushi or charcuterie tray.