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Sean Coughlin's picture

Judge's Review: 73 Rating - Better Selves by Able Seedhouse and Brewery

July, 2019
Judges Rating: 
14 / 24
5 / 6
30 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
15 / 20

Better Selves by Able Seedhouse and Brewery is an American IPA and is being evaluated as such by the current BJCP guidelines for that category (BJCP 2015 Category 21A). 

The aroma features some tropical hops with notes of dried mango and apricot supported by underlying floral honeysuckle. The aroma is a bit faint overall for the style but what is present is inviting. A faint malt character is buried underneath – bready base malts only, there is no caramel malt present. The beer is a dull yellow with moderate haze and a tightly packed white head that persists well. 

This IPA is noticeably nice and dry, enhancing drinkability. Although dry, it seems a bit thin overall and perhaps a bit anemic compared to the best examples of the style. Like the aroma, the hop flavor is somewhat subdued.  Bitterness is well balanced for the size of the beer but is restrained for an IPA. Overall, the balance is slightly shifted towards hop flavor but only because the malt is so faint. 

This beer is quite approachable and drinks more like a training wheels session IPA rather than a full-fledged American India Pale Ale. The beer sacrifices flavor for drinkability and crosses the line of delicacy a bit too far. That being said, this beer is well made and would happily find its place poolside or on a riding lawnmower. 
