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Michael McGuire's picture

Judge's Review: 87 Rating - Pinwheel by Urban Artifact

June, 2019


Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
36 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Pinwheel by Urban Artifact was described as a “Gose with orange and vanilla bean” and was judged as a Fruit and Spice Beer (BJCP sub-style 29B). In the glass it formed a very temporary thin white head atop a slightly hazy gold-orange brew. The aroma consisted of dominant fresh orange notes followed by a lesser lactic sourness. The flavor profile also featured orange up front with vanilla in a secondary but pleasantly complementary role. Malt and Hop flavors were not part of the profile, consistent with many Goses.

The mouthfeel was characterized by a light body, modest carbonation, light creaminess and no astringent or alcohol warmth, consistent with style except for the carbonation. Overall this was a simple, tasty, refreshing, easy-drinking beer perfect for summer drinking sessions.
