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Judge's Review: 87 Rating - Orange Vanilla IPA by Belching Beaver Brewery

September, 2018
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Orange Vanilla IPA by Belching Beaver Brewery is being evaluated as a Fruit & Spice Beer (Category 29B) from the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

Orange Vanilla IPA pours a hazy light gold with a white head that leaves a thick stand of fine bubbles on the beer. The aroma features prominent orange candy followed by a moderate and balancing vanilla character. As the orange settles down, a bowl of light mixed fresh tropical fruit emerges with a touch of fresh berries. A hint of floral alcohol develops as the beer warms, along with a suggestion of bready malt. The flavor shifts to more prominent vanilla supported by a moderate orange candy flavor. Moderately high hop bitterness emerges mid-palate along with light mixed fresh tropical fruit and lingers through the lightly sweet finish. The general flavor character is more muddled than the aroma as the fruit and spice is dominant and overshadows any supporting malt. The moderate astringency in the mouthfeel tends to be a little distracting to the overall enjoyment.

Overall, this is an enjoyable fruit and spice beer, but the base IPA style struggles to be found underneath, better balance is needed so both are well represented. Regardless, if you are a fan of fruit and spice beer this is one that is worth trying.
