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Summer 2018, Issue 37 Has Arrived!

Summer 2018, Issue 37 Has Arrived!

Summertime means summer beer and another thrilling, brew-filled issue of The Beer Connoisseur, which we are proud to present to you. As those temperatures creep up, cool down with a cool brew and interesting stories in Issue 37 of The Beer Connoisseur.

As many of you melt in the sweltering summer temperatures, let’s try and cool off with a fascinating story about a slightly more hydrating beverage – water. We traveled far and wide to find out Where on Earth is the Best Water for Brewing, and Tiffany Koebel helps to guide us on the importance of H2O's different properties in brewing.

After that, Jim Dykstra teaches us everything we need to know about The Almighty Trappist Ale, a venerable and storied moniker regarding ales brewed by Cisterian Monks – a label denoting craft beer of the highest quality. 

We also explore the lack of diversity in the workforce devoted to craft brewing, which is a difficult subject to parse due to limited data. Ryan Newhouse delves into this complex and engaging topic with excellent detail.

A trio of education pieces continues our Summer Issue coverage, including: What Determines the Color of Beer, How to Trade Beer Online and perhaps the most salient question – a definition of what craft beer actually entails in What is Craft Beer?

In that same vein, we pose a question regarding the possibility that there might be too many craft breweries in America – stunting the growth of smaller breweries around the nation.

We also look into the role of the brewery taproom from a craft brewer’s perspective, as well as showcase the 15 Unique Ale Trails in the United States, according to Bryan Richards.

Without further ado, I give you Issue #37 of The Beer Connoisseur! We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you.


Read Issue 37
