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Richard Wong's picture

Judge's Review: 70 Rating - Just-The-Tip by Lumber House Brewery

June, 2018
Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
6 / 6
25 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
10 / 20

Just-The-Tip by Lumber House Brewery was judged as an American Pale Ale, BJCP 2015 Guidelines (18B). 

The beer poured was murky at best with minimal carbonation. It had a light brown hue. Was the haziness intentional or perhaps filtration was an afterthought?  The beer poured flat and tasted flat. The aroma was non-existent. I detected no hop aroma whatsoever, but instead a malt sweetness took its place. 

The initial taste of this beer was that their was an off flavor that I can't really describe other than herbal, and, in fact, it tasted like potpourri. No malt was present, and the hop profile was not present in either bitterness nor hoppiness. The carbonation was flat. The body was very light, again due to lack of carbonation which would give it a little body and mouthfeel.
