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Richard Wong's picture

Judge's Review: 93 Rating - Helles Lager by pFriem Family Brewers

April, 2018
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Helles Lager by pFriem Family Brewers was reviewed as a ' Munich Helles ' (#4A) of the 2015 BJCP Guidelines.  The lager poured revealed a very light straw color, in fact, it was almost clear with just a splash of yellow.  Very nice and transluscent along with very tiny, effervescent bubbles ( almost champagne like ) that clung on the side of the glass.  The aroma revealed a malt sweetness ( almost honey-like ) and no hops ( okay for the style ).  The flavor had a nice malt sweetness that was very grain like, again almost honey as well balanced with very low hop bittering.  The body and mouthfeel was light to medium with a very nice carbonation that was both crisp and smooth in the palate. This beer would be a great compliment for a hot, sunny day that it is both light and thirst quenching.  Well made beer that exemplifies the style correctly.  This beer style is currently the most popular in Southern Germany.