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Judge's Review: 94 Rating - Apricot Orchard Brett Golden Ale by The Virginia Beer Co.

February, 2018
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

This is a fruity Brett strain with stone fruit – especially apricot – aromas out front supported by traces of pineapple, citrus and overripe fruit with light bread crumb and a hint of bubble gum. The pour produces a big, boisterous 3” cap perched atop a hazy gold column permeated with streams of rapidly rising bubbles. The brewer adds just enough fruit to complement and not overwhelm the yeast. Ripe to overripe Brett-produced fruit flavors (berry, citrus and pineapple) and added fruit flavors (stone fruit) play off and enhance one another giving the beer a delightful complexity. A light and very airy yet creamy texture massages the mouth and gives the flavors an added dimension. The result is an elegant, well balanced beer you can drink for both its texture and flavor.