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91 Rating: No Fuzz by Springdale Beer

January, 2018

No Fuzz

Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

No Fuzz is an American Wild Ale being judged in the Wild Specialty Beer category (2015 BJCP Guidelines 28C) as a golden foeder beer aged on yellow nectarines in stainless steel & French oak. The aroma is initially a tad off-putting with sharp notes of acetone and funk with minimal fruit presence. As volatiles are driven off and the senses acclimate, the aroma blossoms into something more inviting with moderately low peach and nectarine notes that seem to become riper as the beer warms. The beer is a hazy light blonde with an extremely tight-knit wheat head that falls quickly but lingers once settled. 

The flavor is complex with a balance of acidity, malt sweetness, juicy nectarine, nectarine pit and earthy funk. All components are balanced and nothing is over the top. The beer has a dry finish that adds to its drinkability factor. Body is moderately low, carbonation is moderately high, and there is no astringency or puckering from abrasive acidity. 

This is a refined beer for a refined palate. All aspects of this beer have depth without going too far. Well thought-out, executed and blended. A slightly higher fruit presence would be welcome but overall, this was a very enjoyable beer.