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87 Rating: Stay Tuned by Free Will Brewing Co.

December, 2017

Stay Tuned

Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Stay Tuned is an Imperial Stout, BJCP Category 20C. The aroma of this beer is super clean. It's roasty and smooth, and that's about it. Surprisingly, the roasted character doesn't accompany any coffee, smokey, or fruity aromas; it's simply clean, roasted malt. Naturally, it's nearly black in color, with a solid tan head.  This beer's flavor, like the aroma, is cleanly roasty with light sweetness and a hint of caramel. It's moderately bitter, accentuated by ethanol. It feels warm and is well carbonated, which combine to make the finish pretty lively. Kudos for fermenting an Imperial Stout so cleanly, but overall, this is a simple, straightforward example with no bells, whistles, or complexity.