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Best-Of Lists

13 Fun Drinking Games for Beer Lovers
Drinking games are a chance to celebrate life with old friends and new. Some emphasize socialization and rapport, while others are more competitive,...
Top 47 IPAs
IPAs. All craft beer lovers have an opinion about them, and all craft breweries make one. They’re hopped-up, bitter and delightfully ubiquitous; the...
Top 112 Dark Beers
Though one's mind might immediately conjure up an image of a pitch-black imperial stout when thinking of dark beers, there are actually far more...
Top 61 Sour Beers
Sour beers have become one of the most important segments of craft beer. Though their illustrious and colorful history encompasses centuries of beer...
Top 39 Fruit Beers
Fruit Beers are defined by the Beer Judge Certification Program as any “beer made with fruit or any combination of fruit.” For this list, we’ve...
17 Intriguing Wine Barrel-Aged Beers
Barrel-aging is nothing new for brewers, and it’s no secret why. That time spent in a barrel adds such complexity and flavor to a beer that is...
17 Great IPA Breweries
Since the arrival of Heady Topper in portable cans in 2011, the era of the IPA dominated by bitter acid hops has given way to the “lock and load”...
21 Best Gifts for Beer Lovers
Beer. It’s the gift that has kept on giving for eons, and it has long been an important part of human culture at large. Sundry groups have brewed it...
10 Influential US Craft Beers
When discussing the history of craft beer, it quickly becomes an existential question if one tries to identify when and where it all began. Like...
15 Winter Warmers for the Holidays
Winter warmers are sweet, strong brews meant to carry you through the dark months of the year. These beers are excellent complements to seasonal...
Over the course of The Beer Connoisseur's 50 issues, our reviewers have imbibed a huge amount of beers. In this story, we will highlight the 50 Top-...
With our 50th issue in the books, we thought now would be a good time to peer backwards into our history and parse out 50 impactful stories from 50...
23 Low-Calorie Beer Options
There is an exciting trend occurring in craft beer right now for those looking to shed a few pounds and still enjoy their craft beer obsession: craft...
Top 16 Places to Drink Beer in New Jersey
There once was a bumper sticker that read, “New Jersey and you – perfect together!” That line still holds true today. New Jersey is a state with a...
An Intro to Gluten-Free Beers
Gluten-free beers have become increasingly popular, and fortunately, even more readily available in recent years. While more people are seeking out...
