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TROOPER Hallowed

TROOPER Hallowed by Robinsons Brewery
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
21 / 24
36 / 40
6 / 6
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
17 / 20

A hybrid beer inspired by Belgium and brewed in England, Hallowed has the TROOPER DNA running though its veins. Still charged with flavour, and with crystal rye giving Hallowed a blood red hue and smooth dry finish, this is one of Maiden vocalist Bruce Dickinson’s finest brews yet: “I have always loved Belgian beer but I wanted to make sure that we put a British twist on our brew. I think we have created something unique.” The Belgian style yeast combines with Noble Hops to deliver a complex palate of subtle banana with a plum finish. Available in limited quantities and for a limited time.

Beverage Profile
Noble hops
Judges Review 
Michael Heniff's picture
Judges Rating:
21 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
17 / 20

Trooper Hallowed is a Belgian Pale Ale (2015 BJCP Category 24B).  This style is typically a moderately malty and estery beer with a less aggressive yeast profile compared to many other Belgian ale styles.  This is the fourth offering from Robinson’s in collaboration with Bruce Dickinson and the iconic British heavy metal band, Iron Maiden.  The beer features crystal rye malt, Belgian-style yeast, and noble hops.  The bottle displays Iron Maiden's mascot “Eddie”, a constantly transforming creature of the dark with him adorning a Monk’s robe as “a nod to the Trappist monastic brewing tradition in Belgium” according to Bruce.  “Hallowed” is no doubt in reference to Iron Maiden’s classic “Hallowed Be Thy Name” from the 1982 album The Number of the Beast

This dark amber, almost light brown ale starts with an aroma of moderate toffee and caramel malt with a slight nutty accent, light plum esters, and a slight peppery phenolic.  The body is medium with a moderate-light carbonation.  The moderate toffee and caramel malt is slightly sweet and is complimented by a hint of chocolate.  The light plum and raisin esters compliment the slightly sweet dark malts while a light peppery phenolic provides contrast.  The finish is just bitter enough to keep the beer from becoming cloying; the layers of malt flavors linger throughout the finish.  This beer has a lot of depth in malt character while light Belgian yeast derived phenolics provide balance.  Seek out this Belgian Pale Ale (and head out to your local record store or concert venue and check out the band!).  

Brewery Introduction

After twelve successful years as the landlord of Unicorn, Lower Hillgate, Stockport, William Robinson purchased the inn from Samuel Hole on 29th September 1838. By 1849 William had remarried after the early death of his wife Juliet and moved to Heaton Norris, leaving George, his oldest son to... Read More
