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Barrel Aged Lugene

United States
Barrel Aged Lugene, Odell Brewing Co.
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
19 / 24
35 / 40
6 / 6
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Farmers are patient and understand it takes time for some things to mature. We followed their lead with our Whiskey Barrel Aged Lugene, named after our favorite farmer who has been hauling our spent grain to his dairy cows for years. We took a batch of our Lugene Chocolate Milk Stout, moved it into some Woody Creek Rye Whiskey barrels for six months. The result is a beer that is dynamic and complex, with aromas of roasted malt, dark chocolate and toffee, and a smooth but full-bodied mouthfeel with subtle flavors of rye spice and vanilla.

Beverage Profile
Judges Review 
Rick Franckhauser's picture
Judges Rating:
19 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Barrel Aged Lugene by Odell Brewing Co. aged in Whiskey barrels was judged as a specialty wood aged beer according to BJCP category 33B.

Fruity esters reminiscent of dates are covered in chocolate. Whiskey notes are detected with hints of earthy hops and a woodiness that may be from the barrel but could be hop derived. The chocolate overcomes and dominates. The beer pours black virtually opaque with only some dark brown highlights when held to a bright light. The big creamy light brown foam drops to a creamy cap that lingers and leaves a nice lace.

The flavor brings a creamy chocolate impression with a little mellow roast. The alcohol comes through mid-palate and lingers into the finish. Some whisky character and the slight roasted malt aides the low levels of bitterness to help balance the beer. The finish is sweet, as it should be in a milk stout, but has somewhat of a “rough around the edges” woody and peppery character to it. The chocolate is joined by a bit of vanilla in the aftertaste. Creamy full body with lower carbonation and some alcohol warmth. S slight astringency via the roast but the beer still coats the mouth like a glass of chocolate milk.

Nicely balanced between the milk chocolate, roast and whisky barrel. The whiskey barrel aspect is somewhat subtle yet seems to be the source of the afore mentioned roughness. I appreciate that the whiskey elements are not overdone, as they often are in beers of this style, and the beer is definitely enjoyable as is, however some additional aging may round off the edges while perhaps providing some needed complexity. Overall a rich chocolatey and tasty milk stout.

Brewery Introduction

Odell Brewing is now the 34th largest craft brewery in the country distributing beer to just 14 states.. While the brewery crafts a variety of beers, its roots are built on British styles. Innovation and creativity meet balance, consistency and quality in each brew.

This balance is a not... Read More
