This Session IPA pours a crystal clear light golden color, sporting a small ring of off-white head. With plenty of our favorite hops (including Warrior, El Dorado, Simcoe, Cascade, Chinook and Mosaic!), the hop aroma is readily abundant with tropical fruit, tangerine, mango, resin and lightly dank aromas with just a hint of malt. The hop flavor is less tropical and more citrusy/resiny in character with just a hint of malt. The body is appropriately thin for a 4.3-percent ABV beer, but the minerally character and the high bitterness create a slightly sharp, harsh finish, in which citrusy and resiny hops linger. This is a very good Session IPA bursting with hop aroma and flavor. Also, this is a great way to help fund trail restoration projects at East Bay Regional Park District (in the San Leandro/Oakland area) with portions of the sales going to this good cause.