Southside Lager by Arches Brewing is an International Amber Lager, judged as BJCP category 2B.
This light amber colored beer has a gentle caramel aroma and a whiff of corn. It could be perceived as fairly neutral if you aren’t really paying attention. The flavor is similarly understated yet flavorful, with low caramel and sweetness and a touch of corn adjunct. This beer is balanced in the sense that nothing in particular jumps out, which is exactly what one would expect from the style. Its bitterness and malt flavor are wholly in tune with each other. It is well-attenuated, dry in the finish, crisp and well-carbonated. Especially notable is the absence of any of the mass-market flavor impressions you might expect from an International Lager, which is definitely a good thing. Overall, this easy-drinking beer straddles boundaries and nails its category. Kudos to the brewers on an excellently crafted brew.