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Summer 2022, Issue 61 Has Arrived!


Summer 2022, Issue 61 Has Arrived!

The dog days of summer are on the horizon, so you know what that means: It’s time for another edition of The Beer Connoisseur magazine!

This July marked the debut of our brand-new Atlanta/Georgia local print edition, which are available now in select local establishments!

Beyond that local edition, our Summer 2022, Issue 61 continues our trend of featuring all the brew that’s fit to drink, and we provide a stable of interesting stories for you to imbibe while sitting on your back porch and sipping a brew.

What We’re Drinking Now is a new segment in the magazine that will serve as an ongoing series highlighting some of the beers we’ve been enjoying recently. These beers will usually be stylistically or thematically tied to the time of the year or season in which the issue is being released. For this edition, sultry summer sippers are all the rage!

We check in with Arches Brewing’s Co-Founder Jeff Dake on his brewery’s exceptional Yurei Japanese-style lager, which was highly rated in our Official Review.

Iron Hill Brewery opened its second location in Georgia recently, and Jim Dykstra traveled to the venue and sampled the brewery’s wares. Read on to follow in his footsteps.

Charlie Papazian is among the most important figures in craft beer and brewing history. The “Johnny Appleseed” of craft beer retired recently, but he is still receiving honors. The one bestowed upon him by the Metropolitan State University of Denver might be among his most important.

With good beers being reviewed by our judges on a daily basis, sometimes terrific ones slip through the cracks. These 5 summertime beers that achieved World Class and Exceptional ratings are sure to keep you satiated throughout the season.

NFTs are all the rage these days, so, of course, the beverage industry had to get involved at some point. These examples of beverage industry NFTs are sure to make a splash in the marketplace.

There might be no better-known craft brewery than Stone Brewing Co., which is why its recent sale to mega brewer Sapporo U.S.A. marked a seismic shift in the industry when it was announced.

Of course, the issue closes out with our industry news, official reviews and brewer Q&A selections.

We hope you enjoy the issue!


Read Issue 61