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StillFire Brewing Unveils Suwanee Devil Belgian Golden Strong Ale

StillFire Brewing Unveils Suwanee Devil Belgian Golden Strong Ale

StillFire Brewing in Suwanee, Georgia has announced the release of a new beer called Suwanee Devil. Full details on this Belgian-style brew are below.

Suwanee Devil is a Belgian Golden Strong Ale brewed with Pilsner malt, Belgian candi sugar and classic Belgian yeast that produces pear and apple aromas and flavors while delivering a white pepper spice in just the right amount to balance. The flavors are absolutely delicious, subtle, and the alcohol is completely hidden. At 9.7% ABV, you will have to be careful while you enjoy your first encounter with the Suwanee Devil. BACK ON TAP THIS THURSDAY!
