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Robinsons Brewery in Stockport, England has released the third beer in its Trooper Line of Iron Maiden collaboration beers.
The band's thunderous lead singer, Bruce Dickinson, is a craft beer fan and has spearheaded the group's collaboration beers with the help of Robinson's. "I like tasting outside the box. Stouts and porters were virgin territory for me so I just went by feel," Dickinson said in a release on Iron Maiden's website. "Martyn and I hope we have created a new take on a classic beer and one which I hope will tickle the taste buds of ale fans in a pleasantly unexpected way.”
Trooper Red 'N' Black is a 6.8 percent ABV English Porter, which makes it the strongest beer, alcohol-wise, in the Trooper lineup. The beer is brewed with chocolate and crystal malts, providing a roasty, caramel-like malt backbone coupled with an earthy hop character.
This limited-release beer will be available around the world starting in early September.