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Pure Project Brewing Co-Founder and Brewer Winslow Sawyer Talks Corylus

97 Rating - World Class

Pure Project Brewing Co-Founder and Brewer Winslow Sawyer Talks Corylus

We spoke with Pure Project Brewing Co-Founder and Brewer Winslow Sawyer about Corylus.

Who was responsible for this beer’s recipe?
The Pure Project Brewing team.

What sets this beer apart from other examples within the style?
The beer is boiled overnight to create a complex caramel background. We then add an obscene number of organic hazelnuts after the beer has aged for over a year in freshly emptied bourbon barrels.

What makes this beer truly World Class?
The rich, full body and intensity of hazelnuts, coffee and bourbon.

What is your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, mouthfeel, etc.)?
The beer tastes amazing served at cellar temperature next to a roaring fire.

How popular is this beer among your faithful fans?
Our fans wait patiently for the yearly release of this brew!

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