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Pipeworks To Release LiL Citra

Pipeworks Brewing has announced it will release LiL Citra this week – a Session IPA brewed exclusively with Citra hops.

Here is the release from Pipeworks:

Lil Citra     
-Session IPA with citra hops- 
This new kung fu kitten doesn't give two nunchucks about whether or not The Unicorns and The Ninjas want her to enter the Epic Battlefield - she's here and ready to do battle! LiL Citra has been training to take on the hop heads of lore, and now she's finally ready and believes she CAN do it! LiL Citra is a very drinkable juicy IPA, and we are so happy to share it with you! 
4pack/16oz cans, 4.9% ABV, $9.99
