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Enhancing Beer Enjoyment: Japanese Innovation Introduces Two-Tab Cans for Perfect Foam Ratio

Japanese Researchers Unveil Breakthrough Method for Ideal Beer Foam, Enhancing Aroma, Flavor, and Carbonation

Enhancing Beer Enjoyment: Japanese Innovation Introduces Two-Tab Cans for Perfect Foam Ratio

In an exciting development for beer enthusiasts, a recent study conducted in Japan has revealed that the thickness of beer foam plays a crucial role in improving the overall taste experience. Recognizing the importance of maintaining a layer of foam to prevent beer from coming into contact with air, researchers have discovered a novel solution that promises to revolutionize the way we pour and enjoy canned beer.

Traditionally, the Japanese domestic beer market has relied on bottles or tanks for commercial distribution, while canned beer remains the preferred choice for home consumption. However, achieving the perfect foam-to-liquid ratio when pouring canned beer into a glass has proven to be a challenge—until now.

The study identified two key principles that contribute to the formation of bubbles in canned beer, in addition to the influence of raw materials. First, when a can is opened, there is a sudden drop in pressure inside, creating an ideal environment for bubble formation. Second, the friction between the liquid and the can during pouring also aids in bubble generation.

Researchers at nendo inc made a breakthrough discovery regarding the effect of pull tab design on foam creation. By experimenting with different can configurations, they found that when the pull tab does not fully open the can, pressure becomes concentrated in the narrow opening. Simultaneously, the contact area between the beer and the lid increases during pouring, facilitating bubble formation.

Building upon these findings, a new can design was developed, featuring two pull tabs instead of the usual single tab. These dual tabs allow for controlled foam generation by adjusting the degree of lid opening. When the first tab is opened, the lid slightly lifts, promoting foam creation. Once the glass is approximately half full of bubbles, the pouring process is paused, giving the bubbles time to settle. Subsequently, the second tab is opened fully, enabling a gentle pour of the remaining liquid beneath the foam.

This innovative pouring technique enables beer aficionados to achieve the coveted liquid-foam ratio of 7:3, commonly referred to as the "golden ratio." The enhanced foam not only acts as a protective layer, preventing the beer from losing its aroma, flavor, and carbonation but also provides a visually appealing and pleasurable drinking experience.

The introduction of two-tab cans promises to revolutionize the way consumers enjoy canned beer, allowing them to effortlessly attain the perfect balance of liquid and foam. This innovation is set to reshape the beer market in Japan, catering to the growing demand for an exceptional beer-tasting experience in the comfort of one's home.

Photo Courtesy Masahiro Ohgami
