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East Brother Beer Co.'s Belgian Tripel Returns


East Brother Beer Co.'s Belgian Tripel Returns

East Brother Beer Co. in Richmond, California has announced the return of its popular Belgian Tripel. Full details are below.

At East Brother Beer Company, we like to think of ourselves as pretty uncomplicated people with a devotion to brewing really great beer. Embrace a simple life and enjoy a heavenly beer.

And so it comes as no surprise that we have an affinity for the Belgium abbey monks' divinely blended beer, the Belgian Tripel. Behind the mystery of the monastery, a traditional Trappist beer lineup would be made up of barrels labeled X (single), XX (dubbel), and XXX (tripel) to denote the alcohol strength - very simple branding for three core beers.

We also like to keep things tight: From our can designs to our classic beers, we’re committed to quality and tradition. In honor of the Trappist brewing tradition, we’re proud to release East Brother Beer’s Belgian Tripel, the second ale in our seasonal Freighter series.

True to our brewing ethos, our Tripel is straightforward: We’re talking just malt, hops, yeast, and a little bit of “clear” Belgian Candi Sugar, to ensure the rich straw color, and also to lighten the body of this clean and flavorful beer. For a beer with such humble beginnings, our Belgian Tripel truly blossoms in the fermenting process, given that it’s a yeast-driven beer as is the case with many Belgians. The finished beer has complex notes of cloves, bananas, and fresh dough with a delicious warm hint of alcohol.

East Brother Beer’s Belgian Tripel captures the spirit of a time and place half a world away; it’s a seemingly complex beer that’s deceptively easy to drink. With summer in full swing, pour our Tripel alongside your favorite burger, sausage, or birria taco. Seriously, there are very few things this beer doesn't pair well with.

East Brother Beer has five core beers available year-round, and two seasonal series, the Lager Series and the Freighter series, consisting of four beers each. You can find East Brother Beer’s Belgian Tripel limited release at our Richmond Taproom, your favorite retailer, bar or restaurant, or via beer delivery services including Drizly and Instacart.
