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95 Rating – AleSmith Brewing Co. – Lil' Devil
Responses from AleSmith brewmaster Peter Zien.
What’s your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, etc.)?
The complexity achieved from the combination of malt, hops, spices and fermentation characteristics. The aroma and flavor are tantalizing with hints of citrus fruit, coriander and subdued tartness.
Where does this beer’s name come from?
We brew a higher-alcohol version of this beer known as AleSmith Horny Devil, a Belgian Golden Strong Ale. Lil’ Devil seemed like a natural choice for this lower-alcohol version.
Is this your "desert island beer?"
I always have trouble with this question as I would need more than a single style on my desert island! I could certainly enjoy my days with only this beer though.
Can you describe this beer in 10 words or less?
A crisp, complex Belgian ale with hints of citrus fruit.
Do you know a story – or have a personal story – that revolves around this beer?
This beer was initially designed to propagate yeast for AleSmith Horny Devil. We would take 50 gallons of wort from a light-colored ale and ferment it with the Belgian yeast strain. We would then discard the fermented wort and harvest the yeast for brewing Horny Devil. After a while, we decided to accomplish two tasks in one: propagate yeast and design a world-class beer rather than discard the fermented wort. In 2002, we did just that, and Lil’ Devil was born.