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Against the Grain Brewery Unveils New Releases

Against the Grain Brewery Unveils New Releases

Against the Grain Brewery in Louisville, Kentucky has announced the release of multiple new brews available from the brewery and at retail locations wherever ATG beers are sold.

The first is Johann Paycheque, a Wine Barrel-aged sour ale with Brettanomyces that clocks in at 8.5 percent ABV. The latter is Gnight Ryder, a Red Wine Barrel-aged Imperial Black Ale that hits 9 percent ABV. Both beers will be available in 22-ounce bomber bottle from the brewery's smokehouse, with retail bottles available soon thereafter. The full release from Against the Grain, which includes multiple new draft-only releases as well, is below.

Johann Paycheque | 8.5% ABV
Wine Barrel-aged sour ale with Brettanomyces

Take this beer and drink it! It ain't twerkin' here no more! Sometimes you gotta take a beer and shove it . . . into an entirely different mold. Johann Paycheque is Old World fermentation meeting New World process. Available now at the Smokehouse, coming to retailers soon. 

Gnight Ryder | 9.0% ABV
Red Wine Barrel-aged Imperial Black Ale 

Gnight Ryder is a lone crusader and no beer is above the law around here. This Imperial Black Ale is interred in red wine barrels and emerges unrecognizable. It’s not the general, it sure ain’t the sheriff, it’s the Gnight Ryder. Available at the Smokehouse on 8/17, coming to retailers soon. 

Bru't Up | 6.4%
Brut IPA

Some fads got us catching feelings, and this new Brut IPA is the real deal, brewed to mimic the dryness and effervescence of Brut Champagne. This IPA has no bittering hop addition and all late aroma and flavor additions of mainly Citra, Amarillo and Mosaic to add a lot of spicy, tropical flavor and little bitterness to compete with the bone-dry body of the beer.  We also dry-hopped heartily with these enticing varieties to further amp up the juiciness. Once our favorite new flavor was complete, we carbed it up to ultimate bubble-tude and poured ourselves a glass. 

Tartan Tighten | 7.1%
Scotch Ale 

Available in late August this modest Scotch Ale is a lovely beer that shows off everything that is good about malt. Look for plenty of heavily caramelized sugars, a full body, toffee, coffee, chocolate, and mild roast notes all laying on an almost creamy backbone.  It is sweet, but not cloying as the early hop addition contributes just enough bitterness to balance out all the residual sugars.  If you are paying attention, you may even get a hint of alcoholic heat that hides behind the toasty specialty malts.  Best consumed with nothing on underneath your clothes. 

