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Pat Mulloy's picture

Below Decks

January, 2017
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

Category 33B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer, Base beer Category 17D, English Barleywine. The beer arrives smelling like a beer-wine hybrid with a medium high whiff of red wine wrapped in malt, brown sugar, fruit, and dried fruit with traces of vanilla in the background joined by a hoppy orange marmalade aroma.  Soft medium low alcohol aromas are not hot or harsh. Its semi-clear brown with ruby highlights under a thin cream colored cap with a slight brown tint. The brewer tightropes between English Barleywine and oaked red wine on the palate producing complex, layered flavors. Bread, nuts, dark sugars, dried fruit, and traces of caramel from the malt mingle, balance and complement winey pome fruit and oak flavors from the red wine barrel while finishing with a marmalade bitter accent. The full bodied beer provides smooth, soft alcohol warming. Savor this elegant beer and spend time enjoying new flavors with each sip.
