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Holiday Cheer

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

The aroma definitely highlights the peach, which is a sweet, almost overripe statement. The pecans are there, along with a touch of vanilla flavor. The beer itself is clear, reddish brown, almost ruby with a substantial slightly off-white head. The base style is a dunkelweizen, but there isn’t any real dunkelweizen character, other than the persistent head, and the darker color. Peach with a light nutty background carries through in the flavor of the beer and the touch of vanilla flavor gives this a dessert beer character. Peach aroma and flavor in abundance, nuanced by a touch of caramel pecan. Not everyone is looking for peaches in their holiday beer stocking, but for those who are, this beer works.
