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Aldersbacher Kloster Weiss Hell

Aldersbacher Kloster Weiss Hell by Aldersbacher Brewery
Judges Ratings 
1 Review
21 / 24
36 / 40
6 / 6
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Traditional German wheat ale is unfiltered and bottle conditioned to enhance the robust flavors and fine effervescence.  Aromas of clove, allspice and bananas when first poured, initial sweetness and a hint of bubblegum on the palate.  This beer finishes crisp and clean.

Beverage Profile
Judges Review 
Michael Heniff's picture
Judges Rating:
21 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Aldersbacher Kloster Weiss Hell is a hefeweizen by Brauerei Aldersbacher and is being evaluated as a Weissbier (2015 BJCP Style Guidelines category 10A).  Weissbiers are noted for their wheat character along with an abundance of esters (typically banana) and phenolics (most typically cloves). Weizen/Weissbier is a traditional style of Germany, especially Bavaria in southern Germany. Brauerei Aldersbacher, in the town of Aldersbach in Bavaria, was founded in 1268 on the site of a monastery founded in 1146. Aldersbacher brews traditional German wheat beers along with traditional German lagers.

This weissebier pours a dark golden color with orange hues, an acceptable slight haze, and a big, fluffy white head. The aroma is moderate clove phenolics balanced by an assertive bready, wheaty maltiness along with a hint of citrusy and bubblegum esters. The flavor matches the aroma with an even balance between clove phenolics and abundant wheat while the citrusy esters are more subdued. The finish is very lightly bittered with a dry, clove phenolic finish.  

This is a very well-brewed hefeweizen but a little more esters would add complexity. Seek out this beer for its history, traditional Bavarian character and drinkability.

Brewery Introduction

In the heart of Lower Bavaria, in the valley of the Vils is the brewery Aldersbach, among other venues of the Bavarian State Exhibition 2016 "Beer in Bavaria". Aldersbach is also widely known for the former Cistercian monastery, whose church was equipped by the Asam brothers.
