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Science Box by Single Hill Brewing falls under the category of 21A (American IPA) according to the 2015 BJCP Guidelines. This is an American Hazy IPA. This brew had a very nice cloudy, hazy appearance. The hue was light yellow with very good carbonation. It also featured impressive head retention with small, tight bubbles. The aroma had a very subtle citrus element (oranges and grapefruit). There was a very nice malt sweetness upon the very first sip with hop bittering towards the end that was not upfront. Hop bittering was restrained somewhat for an IPA, but it was still plenty hoppy to live up to its style. Nice citrus flavors were found throughout the first sip. The body and mouthfeel was medium, and the carbonation was sparkling in the palate. It had a nice crisp, smooth finish. This beer was almost like a session IPA in terms of its lightness in malt and hop bittering. A clean and eminently drinkable beer.