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Judge's Review: 89 Rating - La Fontaine by Social Fox Brewing

March, 2022

La Fontaine

La Fontaine

United States
 La Fontaine, Social Fox Brewing

Is it Wine, or is it Beer? La Fontaine is an Oenobeer fermented with pinot noir grapes from California giving it a deep ruby-red wine color. The palate is challenging: a malty bock base that sneaks through an acidic, tart wine like character. Highlighting a rich, medium body and hints of spice

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
45º F



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

La Fontaine by Social Fox Brewing is being evaluated as a BJCP 2021 style 29A (Fruit Beer), as a traditional bock with Pinot Noir grapes. Note that the "Grape Ale" category is specifically for more neutral beers, hence this classification. This one pours a deep ruby-brown with a clingy beige head that persists. Great clarity as well. The nose is relatively subdued in terms of fruit, with the malt being the show, with some subtle fruity notes, include dark cherry and faint blueberry. Super pleasant aroma and clean. The beer also seems well attenuated and malt-driven. The winey quality accentuates the beer overall, while not distinctly pinot-driven. There is a subtle acidity that does border on clashing a bit and thinning out the body, but it stops just short. The cherry makes a reprise through the finish, giving a bit of a Cheerwine quality that is likeable. As a slow sipper, I think it suffers a bit, but as a drinker, it's eminently pintable overall and clean. Really enjoyable beer, though a touch more fruit character could make it really pop.
